Loafin' aroond

~ ☆゚.*・。゚A thick stottie in The Vast Soup ☆゚.*・。゚~

The Coleen Space
Things I think are mint
Phone Book

Feeling: The current mood of stottie at www.imood.com

Member Since: Teatime
My SpaceHey

3DS Friendcode:
1693 - 5494 - 7933

Wii Friendcode:
1664 - 4730 - 1516 - 0660


Reading: "The Wolf Den" // Elodie Harper

"Bi: The Hidden Culture, History and Science of Bisexuality" // Julia Shaw

Listening To: iPod on shuffle

The Soup Bar Social

Today's Special

Roasted red pepper soup with a rye cheese toastie

Thursday 8th September 2022

It's about 17:19 now, on telly all afternoon has been coverage of the Queen's health deteriorating. Many of the news reporters are wearing black suits and their wording all very careful, so looks like this is it! I'm not a royalist, but the Queen has been such a constant for the whole lifetimes of many! Like the end of an era, y'know?

It was really interesting looking at FR24, and seeing that over 300,000 other people were watching the jet plane with the royal family coming into Aberdeen Airport. Such an interesting way to interact with history in the making.

I do wonder what the rest of the day is going to bring... I do know we're making apple crumble this evening though :)

(The apples are from my neighbour's tree that is growing into my garden ^-^ ...thanks, neighbour! )

(EDIT 22/09/22: So ye the public annoucement of the Queen's death was made shortly after this post. It was incredibly surreal to watch the announcement being made! But now the 12(?) day mourning period has come to an end, so all back to (relative) normal now)


Saturday 3rd September 2022

Lately I've been struggling with work anxieties that have leaked into most aspects of life! I've spent some time hermiting haha...

So during that wave of nerves, I've been feeling comfort in embracing the endearing, buggy mess of Sonic Adventure for the DC. I can't count how many times I've died from the dodgy camera!!!

Today I also picked up a Tamagotchi Pix, and one of the Tamagotchi Gen 1 rereleases as well. The Pix controls are taking getting used to!

I hope to tinker around with this site a bit more soon :)

Til next time!


Saturday 30th July 2022

My S/O and I plugged in the Dreamcast and played some Chu Chu Rocket! for the first time together. We managed to combine our collective braincell power and get through a bunch of stages :D I kept placing the wrong arrow tiles everywhere, but it was a lot of fun!

Got it hooked up to dial-up connection via the DreamPi, but nobody was online (I probably shouldn't have been surprised lol)

I know there are organised DC games nights, and I'm shy to join them cos I'm, well, shy and also poor at gaming - I'd like to try at some point though!! I imagine people who put that much effort into getting an old console online would be friendly to play with

We also checked out the results for the polls we filled out on the Wii's "Everybody Votes Channel", and put in our votes for the new active polls. Our little routine is to check them every couple weeks :)

One of the questions was "Do you have a website?", yes I do!!


Thursday 21st July 2022

I did not cope with the heatwave, and had to take a day off work sick for it (x_x)

Spent the day loaded with painkillers and a damp forehead flannel, moving from bed to the seatee and back again all day!

Turns out that despite my cold-bloodedness, I can't deal with intense heat!


Monday 18th July 2022

Tonight was The Prodigy gig, during the first day of the UK heatwave as well! It was absolutely killer making my way there like; the heat and the bus/train cancellations made the trip in unbearable, thought I was gonna be spent before the gig started!

It was absolutely mint though, the energy was amazing despite the INTENSE heat in the venue! And the amount of people topless and drenched at the end of the night was a sight lol

There was also a tribute to Keith Flint during the show, with everyone chanting "KEEF, KEEF, KEEF". Ngl I did shed a tear haha

Got a souvenir bucket hat and tour poster, and ended the night having a mini rave with a crowd dancing and jumping to drumming buskers on the street corner

Can't wait til I next see them for the third time :)
